Scanning Technique

When trying to locate an object or location, it will be helpful to search for the item systematically. When in close proximity, these scanning patterns can be done with the hand but those with low vision can also use these patterns for items that are out of reach using their residual vision or with a monocular.

There are 3 basic scanning patterns:
With scanning top to bottom, you start at the top portion of the area, the child will scan vertically down, then horizontally across the bottom a short distance, vertically up, then horizontally across the top a short distance. Repeating this pattern until the surface to be searched is covered.

Scanning side to side starts on the left then moving horizontally across towards the far right side to be scanned, then vertically down a short distance and then horizontally across going the opposite direction, then vertically down again – continuing the pattern until finished.

Zigzag scanning is similar to scanning side to side but moving diagonally short distances down the surface, back and forth rather than vertically dropping straight down, continuing the pattern until finished.

These techniques can be applied to cleaning windows, wiping tables or cleaning floors.

Have fun exploring the world with your child!