Simple Addressing

Addresses can many times be found on mailboxes, curbs, next to the front door, or over the garage. Bring along a monocular and have your child locate addresses as you go on walks. Talk about estimating what the next house number might be – the numbers progressively get larger as one moves farther from the dividing lines of a city which in Utah are usually Center Street and Main Street.
Often the odd numbers are on one side of the street and even on the other side. Here is a little song to help identify the even numbers if your child is having difficulty remembering them. “0,2,4,6,8 even numbers aren’t they great!”
Pairing a known address with landmarks – either tactile or visual will help your child locate unfamiliar destinations. These landmarks will also be helpful when your child is giving someone directions to find your home. An example would be, “when you turn onto 100 East, my home is on the south east side and has a vinyl picket fence in the front.”
Inside many business buildings, the number system is also similar with even numbers and odd numbers on opposite sides of the hallway. When you are in a multistory location, have your child feel the raised tactile or braille room numbers.

Have fun exploring the world with your child!